5 Questions to Ask Your Portrait Photographer

November 3, 2018

1. What is included in the session price?

This is a great question to ask as you should always know what you’re getting for your money. Many photographers have different "business models". Some offer a predetermined number of digital downloads included in their session fee, others offer a set session fee which only covers the photographers time and talent, and any wall art or digital download is extra. With Washington Layne Photographs we include a small wall art package and online proofing gallery with our session fee. The package includes one 8x10 print, two 5x7's, and 16 wallets of one of your favorite poses. You will always have the option to upgrade to a multi-pose package or purchase items a la carte such as canvas prints, acrylics, albums and so much more!

2. What time do you shoot?

Many photographers only shoot during what is known as "golden hour." The golden hour is shortly after sunrise and 60-90 minutes before sunset when the sun is softer and casts a golden color light. This magical time occurs based on weather conditions and season. In the Spring, this will occur later in the day whereas during the Fall it occurs much earlier in the day. Washington Layne Photographs offer sessions during this time however, we do our best to accommodate our client’s availability.

3. What should I bring?

If there is an item that is near and dear to your heart that you’d like to be photographed with, then bring it to your session. Maybe it isn’t something "near and dear" but it's pretty darn awesome, bring that too! This includes but is not limited to toys, blankets, furniture etc. We believe pets are family, so if you’d like to include your pets in your session we encourage you do so.

4. When will I receive my photos?

Photography is an investment, and anytime you invest in anything you should have clear expectations on the return. These timelines can vary from photographer to photographer so it’s extremely important to ask this question. Some photographers may take 6-8 weeks however, Washington Layne Photographs has a two-week turnaround time to provide the proofing gallery for standard sessions and one week for mini sessions. If you need the images back in a certain time period it is also important to communicate that with your photographer. Some photographers will not allow requests for shortened return time, however, if timelines must be shortened understand additional fees could be incurred.

5. Can I print my images?

Any photographers who offers digital download of the images will generally provide their clients with a print release. A print release only gives the client the right to print the images at a lab of their choice for a time period stated within the release. Often times, the lab you choose will require they review the release and retain a copy on file. Understand that a print release does not give you the right to edit/change the images and does not give the right for commercial use. This is a violation copyright laws. A copyright release would allow you or a third party to edit the images. Some print releases will also allow for sharing to social media. Washington Layne Photographs works with one of the top printing labs in the US which allows you order prints directly from your proofing gallery without the need of any print releases.

If you have any questions that weren’t covered, please feel free to contact us!