5 Tips for Dressing Your Child for a Perfect Portrait Session

September 12, 2023

We all understand how representation can have an effect on us all, especially our children. But did you know that extends to seeing portraits of themselves hanging on the walls of their home? Having your child photographed can build self-esteem by capturing their unique qualities, accomplishments, and moments of joy, reinforcing their sense of self-worth and positive self-image.

Children's portraits can be heartwarming and magical, but dressing them appropriately is crucial to ensure the success of the session. Today, I’m going to share five tips on how to dress your child for their portrait session to create stunning and timeless photographs that they will feel a sense of pride when they look at and you'll cherish for years to come.

1. Comfort Over Everything

When planning your child's outfit for a portrait session, comfort should be your top priority. Uncomfortable clothes can lead to fussy and irritable children, making it challenging to capture those genuine smiles and expressions. Opt for soft, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen to keep your child comfortable throughout the session. Avoid scratchy materials, tight-fitting clothes, or accessories that might bother them.

2. Coordinate Colors, but Avoid Matchy-Matchy

Coordinating outfits can create a visually pleasing portrait. However, steer clear of dressing your child and their siblings or family members in identical outfits. Instead, choose a color palette that compliments your child's skin tone and the setting. Earthy tones, pastels, or muted colors often work well, as they blend seamlessly with outdoor environments. Subtle patterns and textures can also add depth and interest to the photos.

3. Consider the Season and Location

The time of year and location of your portrait session can greatly influence your child's attire. For spring and summer sessions, opt for light, airy clothing and sunhats to protect against harsh sunlight. In contrast, fall and winter sessions may call for cozy sweaters, scarves, and boots to keep your child warm and stylish. Always keep the weather in mind and dress your child accordingly to ensure they're comfortable during the session.

4. Showcase Their Personality

Let your child's personality shine through in their outfit. If they have a favorite dress, superhero costume, or accessory, don't hesitate to incorporate it into the session. These personal touches can add authenticity to the photos and make your child feel more at ease in front of the camera. Just ensure that their chosen outfit aligns with the overall theme and location of the portrait session. Also, getting them involved in the selection process will get them excited for their upcoming session.

5. Keep It Timeless

While it's tempting to dress your child in trendy outfits, remember that portraits are meant to stand the test of time. To ensure your portrait remains timeless, opt for classic and timeless clothing choices. Avoid overly trendy pieces that might look dated in a few years. A simple dress or well-fitted suit can create a timeless look that you'll cherish for generations.

Dressing your child for a portrait session can be a fun and creative process and including them in the process can help them get excited to have their portrait taken. By prioritizing their comfort, coordinating colors, considering the season and location, showcasing their personality, and opting for timeless outfits, you can create stunning portraits that capture the true essence of childhood and represent them well. Remember, the goal is not just to take photos but to create lasting memories that you and your child will treasure forever. So, go ahead, plan their outfit thoughtfully, and let the magic of photography do the rest.

I would love to learn about what gets your child excited and what they're into at this stage in their life. Contact me so we can chat about them and how we can help you capture their uniqueness in portraits!