5 Tips to Make a portrait session with Children Easier

August 27, 2023

As a photographer, I've had the joy of capturing countless moments of pure innocence and boundless energy in children. Photographing kids can be both rewarding and challenging, but with the right approach, stunning images that truly reflect their spirit and personality can be created. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or a parent looking to capture some memorable images of your little ones, here are five valuable tips to make a portrait session with children easier and more enjoyable.

1. Embrace Playfulness and Patience

Children are naturally curious and energetic, and these qualities can be your best allies during a portrait session. Rather than trying to force them into stiff poses, encourage them to be themselves. Engage in playful activities that elicit genuine reactions, like blowing bubbles, playing with toys, or having a tickle fight. Patience is key; some of the most precious moments happen when kids are least aware of the camera's presence.

2. Choose the Right Time and Location

Timing and location can greatly impact the success of a portrait session. Opt for a time when your child is well-rested and in good spirits, typically after a meal or a nap. Natural lighting works wonders for children's portraits, so consider having a session during the golden hours, shortly after sunrise or before sunset. As for the location, select a familiar place where your child feels comfortable and at ease, whether it's a local park, your backyard, or a cozy corner of your home.

3. Keep Props Simple and Meaningful

Props can add depth and character to children's portraits, but it's easy to get carried away. Choose props that are simple, age-appropriate, and hold personal significance. A favorite stuffed animal, a colorful blanket, or a musical instrument can help create a narrative in the images. Remember, the props should complement the child's presence rather than overpower it.

4. Go Candid, Capture the Unscripted

Some of the most heartwarming and authentic photographs come from candid moments. Allow your child to explore their surroundings and interact with their environment naturally. Candid images showcase genuine expressions and emotions, and they often tell a more compelling story than posed images. Keep your camera ready to capture those fleeting instances of laughter, curiosity, and wonder.

5. Involve Them in the Process

Children love to feel like they're a part of something special. Before the portrait session, involve them in the planning process. Let them choose their outfits or even suggest a theme for the session. When they're actively engaged, they'll feel a sense of ownership and excitement, which will translate into their enthusiasm during the shoot.

Bonus Tip: Be Prepared and Flexible:

Children can be unpredictable, and that's part of their charm. Be prepared for unexpected changes – whether it's a sudden mood shift or an impromptu dance session. Flexibility is your greatest asset. Sometimes the most magical images emerge from the unplanned and spontaneous moments. In conclusion, photographing children is about capturing their true essence and spirit. By embracing their playfulness, choosing the right time and location, using meaningful props, favoring candid shots, and involving them in the process, you can create stunning images that freeze their childhood magic in time. Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about celebrating the beauty of every fleeting moment.

To discuss a custom session for your child, contact me and I’d be happy to learn all about your child.